EHAS and LO for 52 sketches

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I was really lucky last November to attend 'Everyone Has a Story' an album workshop run by Shimelle Laine. The album produced is all about me - we did about 8 LOs during the actual workshop and Shimelle has sent out emails with ideas for more LOs every 2-3 weeks since. At the start I kept up pretty well with the prompts but I REALLY need to have a catch up week at some point soon as I have about 5-6 LOs I want to do for this project. The other great thing about the album workshop was the fab kit we got - heaps of stash that I am still working through now after producing well over 20 LOs! I am going to upload the LOs from the workshop over the next few weeks as there's heaps of them...

This was the front cover, which we did at the workshop:

This page is all about my roots, the background of my family:

And this page is about me when I was a baby:

This is another LO I've done this week, for the first time using a sketch from 52weeks52sketches - I love the sketches on this site and will definitely be doing some more LOs using them! I used the Scrapagogo June kit for this LO and I really like how it's turned out, I love the journalling card which is a Colorbok Lucky You journal form - will definitely be buying some more if I can find them!


Bernie said...

lovely Los there and what a worthwhile project! Good luck catching up - am sure you'll do it! bernie x

Jo Power said...

Great layouts and good luck with catching up it will be worth it in the end. Can't wait to see more of your layouts. xx

Olivia said...

Beautiful LOs. I like those Colorbok forms too but haven't found them in the UK yet :(

Claire said...

Welcome to Blogland, its so addictive LOL!!
Love those LO's

Sally said...

Hiya Cathy! Lovely LOs and welcome to blogland!

Spain mini book